Articles By This Author

E-Car E-Vehicle

What Are the Types of Electric Vehicles?

Electric cars have been continuously developed since they were first introduced to the market. The term “electric vehicle” is now


Is hover boarding dangerous? Know the risks of this electric skateboard

  You may have heard that hover boarding is dangerous. What you may not know is that the risks go far beyond


What is a hoverboard used for? Discover 5 uses of the electric skateboard

  Electric skateboarding is already considered a worldwide fever among children, young people and even adults, but do you know


7 types of electric vehicles you need to know

Cars that combine a combustion engine with an electric motor, motorcycles that are powered entirely by electricity, among other technologies

E-Scooter E-Vehicle

What is the ideal electric motorcycle model?

Is there an ideal electric motorcycle model? Contrary to what many may think, the answer is yes. An ideal electric

E-Car E-Vehicle

What is Hybrid Fuel? What is the Fuel System in Hybrid Vehicles?

  Hybrid vehicles, which have made a name for themselves in recent years, continue to attract the attention of automobile

E-Car E-Vehicle

What are the unique features that distinguish electric vehicles from other vehicles?

  Of course, some of the features they have play a big role in the fact that electric vehicles have

E-Car E-Vehicle

What are the Advantages of Driving an Electric Vehicle in the City?

  Although living in big cities is advantageous, it can also bring many troublesome situations. Noise and air pollution are at

E-Car E-Vehicle

How Long is Electric Vehicle Charging Time?

  Electric vehicles, which provide power supply in a different way compared to vehicles with internal combustion engines, arouse a

E-Car E-Vehicle

Are Electric Vehicles Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable?

  Electric vehicles offer a viable option to use only renewable resources for transportation to countries, as they provide their