The range of electric cars on the market today on a single charge varies between 150 km and 600 km, depending on the brand and model. However, road and weather conditions and driving style also play an important role in determining the maximum distance that can be traveled.

Although Electric Vehicle (EV) have become widespread in the world, there is still a lot of unknown about their features. Misunderstandings are another problem. Therefore, many question marks arise in the minds of those who want to switch from fuel-oil cars to EVs. “How many kilometers does an electric car go?” The question is one of them. Because drivers, who are accustomed to driving hundreds of kilometers with a fuel-oiled car, naturally wonder whether the same opportunity exists in electric vehicles.

1. How Many Km Does an Electric Vehicle Travel?

The range of electric vehicles varies between 150 kilometers and 600 kilometers, depending on the make and model. In fact, this situation is more closely related to the capacity of the battery used in the vehicle rather than the brand and model. You can liken it to a fuel tank. While a 10 kilowatt (kW) capacity battery can travel approximately 50 kilometers, the range of a 70 kW battery vehicle can exceed 500 kilometers.

2. Factors That Can Affect Electric Vehicle Range

The ranges announced by automobile companies for EV models are determined by driving tests with 100% charged zero vehicles. Therefore, the figures given, rather than the average, are actually “How many kilometers does an electric car go?” gives the answer to the question.

While the roads preferred for the trials are generally flat and without slopes, the air temperatures are around 20 degrees. In addition, the speed is constant instead of being variable and stop-go. However, in-car air conditioning, etc. factors are also excluded. So, let’s take a look at all the factors that can affect the range:

2.1. Traffic jam

Just as conventional vehicles used in heavy traffic run out of fuel more quickly, the electric vehicle battery discharges faster as well. Continuous stop-and-go instead of moving at a constant speed causes the vehicle’s range to be shortened.

2.2. Driving Distance

There are differences between driving a vehicle on 5-10 kilometers of roads all the time and traveling hundreds of kilometers at a time. The total distance traveled by vehicles used for short driving distances on a single charge may be less than the distance traveled on the same day on intercity roads.

2.3. Weather conditions

Temperatures below 10 degrees or above 30 degrees can negatively affect the efficiency of the battery. If the temperatures are between 10 and 30 degrees, the total range is longer as the battery can work at full capacity. The wind factor also affects this. The battery can be discharged more quickly when the vehicle is constantly winding while driving.

2.4. Road Conditions

At this point, the situation is the same with fuel vehicles. There are significant differences between driving a vehicle on the highway and driving it on sloping, bumpy and gravelly roads in terms of fuel/ charge consumption and therefore range.

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3. Suggestions to Increase Electric Vehicle Driving Range

While the areas you live and travel to are not directly up to you, you do have some responsibilities to extend the range of your EV. If we detail what these are for each subject, here is a list of suggestions:

3.1. Regular Charge

By regularly charging your vehicle, you can ensure that its range is maintained. In addition, except before a long journey, instead of charging the battery 100 percent each time, you can interrupt the charging process when the charge reaches 80 percent.

3.2. Stable Speed

If you like to drive your car with action and accelerate suddenly, you can try to soften your driving style a little more. By using your vehicle at a constant speed and calmly as much as possible, you can noticeably increase the distance you can travel on a single charge.

3.3. Appropriate Route Selection

By determining the different routes to the destination in advance, you can choose whichever is flatter and without slopes. In this way, you can keep your battery and total mileage at an optimum level, even if the road you travel is longer than others.

3.4. Tire Pressure Check Before Ride

If the tire pressures of the wheels are not the same, it may adversely affect the stability of the vehicle and cause it to proceed as if it were on a bumpy road. Even if each tire pressure is the same, it should not be more or less than necessary. You should check the tire pressure before each use, as this will tire the vehicle and cause the battery to run out faster.

3.5. Keeping Equipment Use to a Minimum

In this area, the same is the case with fuel-oiled vehicles. Just as in gasoline and diesel vehicles, the fuel runs out faster when air conditioning and multimedia devices are running, the same naturally occurs in EV batteries. Moreover, fuel/charging consumption increases with additional accessories. For this reason, you should take care to protect your vehicle as far as possible from the factory.

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3.6. Regular Maintenance

Another important issue to answer the question of how many kilometers an electric car travels is the operation of the vehicle. If there is any problem with the engine or other important parts of the vehicle, it may be inevitable that the battery discharges faster. For this reason , electric vehicle maintenance should be done regularly, without interruption. When you follow all these suggestions, you are likely to give the highest number value to the question of how many kilometers an electric car will travel.




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