The Rise of Electric Scooters and the Problems They Bring

E-scooters have become extremely popular in cities across the world. These electric scooters are a super convenient and eco-friendly way to get around for short trips. Yes, they are fun and easy to use, but like any new technology, electric scooters also come with their own set of problems.

It’s no surprise that as the use of e-scooters has increased, so have the concerns and issues surrounding them. Today, we’ll talk about the problems associated with electric scooters and how they can be addressed. I’ll also provide some tips on how to stay safe while riding an e-scooter.

Must Reading: Top Safety Tips for Riding E-Scooters: A Comprehensive Guide

The Top Problems with Electric Scooters

The growing popularity of electric scooters has brought up several issues that need to be addressed. Let’s look at some of the most common problems with e-scooters.

Safety Concerns

Safety is a significant concern regarding electric scooters. Riders often don’t wear helmets and are not aware of traffic rules, leading to accidents and injuries. Safely operating an e-scooter requires balance and coordination, which can be challenging for new riders. Yes, e-scooters are a convenient mode of transportation, but safety should always be a priority.

Illegal Parking

You may have seen electric scooters scattered across sidewalks and streets, creating a hazard for pedestrians and vehicles. E-scooter companies often don’t have designated parking spots, which means users can leave them anywhere. That’s why electric scooters are often considered a nuisance by cities and towns. But with proper regulations and designated parking areas, this problem can be solved.

Vandalism and Theft

Unfortunately, vandalism and theft are common problems with electric scooters. Some people intentionally damage or steal e-scooters, which can cause financial loss for the companies. This, in turn, results in the companies raising prices for users. Most e-scooters come with GPS tracking, but it could be better. Thieves may find ways to turn off the tracking system or remove the GPS device altogether.

Maintenance Issues

Just like any other ride, electric scooters need some upkeep and repairs to stay safe. However, due to their high usage and limited company resources, e-scooters may need more timely maintenance. This can lead to malfunctioning brakes or tires, making them unsafe for riders. I personally faced this issue, which made me question the safety of using e-scooters.

Impact on Pedestrian Safety

E-scooters can reach speeds of up to 15 mph, which is quite fast when compared to walking. This poses a potential threat to pedestrians, especially in crowded areas. Riders may not be able to stop quickly if someone suddenly walks into their path, leading to accidents. Cities need to consider this issue and regulate the speed of e-scooters accordingly. If not, it could lead to severe injuries for both riders and pedestrians.

Lack of Proper Regulations

One of the major problems with electric scooters is the need for proper regulations in many cities. With the sudden rise in popularity, most cities were caught off guard and needed to have laws in place to regulate their use. This has led to several issues, including safety concerns and illegal parking. Governments need to establish clear guidelines on how e-scooters should be used, maintained, and regulated.

Environmental Impact

Yes, electric scooters are eco-friendly compared to cars and other motor vehicles. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have a negative impact on the environment. E-scooter batteries have toxic chemicals that can be really harmful if not disposed of correctly. Also, making these batteries takes a lot of energy and resources.

However, compared to the emissions from gas-powered vehicles, the carbon footprint of electric scooters is significantly lower. So, finding ways to dispose of batteries and reduce their environmental impact properly is important.

Inexperienced and Underage Riders

Inexperienced and underage riders are another pressing problem with electric scooters. E-scooter rental services are easily accessible and often don’t have stringent age verification processes, allowing underage riders to use the service. This poses a safety risk for the riders, pedestrians, and other vehicles on the road. Companies need to enforce strict age verification processes to ensure the safety of all riders and those around them.  

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How to Address These Problems

Now that we’ve discussed the problems associated with electric scooters let’s look at how we can address them. Here are some potential solutions to consider so that e-scooters can continue to be a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation.

Education and Awareness:

The first step towards addressing the problems with electric scooters is to educate riders about safety and traffic rules. By increasing awareness, we can reduce the number of accidents and injuries caused by e-scooter use.

Designated Parking Areas:

Cities must create designated parking areas for e-scooters to avoid illegal parking and ensure pedestrian safety. This will also help reduce the clutter of e-scooters on sidewalks and streets. Companies can work with cities to establish these parking areas.

Improved Security Measures:

E-scooter companies need to improve their security measures to combat vandalism and theft. This includes better GPS tracking and anti-theft technology to prevent damage or theft of the vehicles.

Regular Maintenance:

Companies need to prioritize regular maintenance and repairs for their e-scooters. This will ensure the safety of users and prevent accidents caused by malfunctioning scooters.

Speed Regulations:

Cities should also consider implementing speed regulations for e-scooters, particularly in crowded areas. By limiting the speed of e-scooters, we can avoid potential accidents and injuries. This would also help to reduce noise pollution and improve the overall safety of pedestrians.

Enforcing Regulations:

Governments need to establish and enforce clear regulations for e-scooters. These regulations should include age restrictions, safety regulations, and proper battery disposal. By enforcing these regulations, we can ensure the safe use of e-scooters for everyone.

How to stay safe while using e-scooters

Here are some tips to keep in mind to stay safe while riding an electric scooter:

  1. Always wear a helmet first and foremost. It may seem unnecessary, but it can save your life in an accident.
  2. Stick to designated bike lanes or slower-speed areas. Avoid riding on busy streets and sidewalks, especially during rush hour.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the scooter’s controls before taking off. Practice braking and accelerating in a safe area before riding on the road.
  4. Be aware of your surroundings and potential hazards like potholes or uneven surfaces.
  5. Avoid riding while intoxicated or distracted. It’s essential to be fully alert and in control when operating an e-scooter.
  6. Follow all traffic rules and signals like you would while riding a bike or driving a vehicle.
  7. If you experience any issues with the scooter, such as malfunctioning brakes or tires, stop riding and report it to the company immediately.
  8. Do not ride with another person on the scooter, as it can be unsafe and affect the balance of the vehicle.
  9. Lastly, use common sense and exercise caution while riding an electric scooter. Think about your safety and that of those around you at all times.


Electric scooters have become a popular mode of transportation in recent years, offering convenience and eco-friendliness. However, to ensure the safety of riders and those around them, it’s important to address the problems associated with e-scooter use.

Follow the tips mentioned above to stay safe while riding an electric scooter, and remember to always follow traffic rules and regulations. Let’s work towards making e-scooters a safe and sustainable mode of transportation for everyone. So, if you’re thinking of giving e-scooters a try, remember to ride safely and responsibly.

Most FAQs

Can you ride electric scooters on the road legally?

Electric scooters are legal in most places as long as they follow traffic rules and regulations. However, it’s essential to check with your local government for any specific restrictions or guidelines.

Do I need a license or insurance to ride an e-scooter?

It depends on your location; some cities may require a license and insurance, while others don’t. It’s essential to check with your local government before riding an e-scooter.

Can I ride an e-scooter on the sidewalk?

It’s not recommended to ride an e-scooter on sidewalks, which are meant for pedestrians. You may need to use designated bike lanes or slower-speed areas for scooter riding.

How fast do electric scooters go?

Most electric scooters have a maximum speed of 15-20 miles per hour. However, this may vary depending on the brand and model of the scooter.

Can anyone ride an electric scooter, or are there age limits?

Yes, most e-scooter companies have a minimum age requirement of 18 years old. This is to ensure the safety of younger riders and those around them. So, make sure to check the age restrictions before renting an e-scooter.

Read more: How to Increase the Battery Life of Electric Scooter




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